Why do men get fat after marriage?

A new study has confirmed the long-standing suspicion that marriage can change men's eating habits and waist circumference. This is the reason why men often get fat after getting married.

Researchers from the University of Leeds (UK) found that men were married more often than single men. This is possible because they have developed sweets preferences . In fact, gentlemen who are married or eat more pastries and baked goods than single men.

According to the team, married men also tend to drink significantly more alcohol .

Scientists still do not know exactly why marriage makes such a difference to the weight of the eyebrow. However, some say that men feel they can relax themselves after "peace of mind".

Picture 1 of Why do men get fat after marriage?

Another theory is that men who marry a delicious cooking wife often eat more nutritious food than when they were single. It is often said that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach. Women seem to apply this maxim thoroughly and cannot resist their "half" tonic after being able to "bind" him.

Other cakes and sweets can easily appear on men's menu if his wife is "sweet and sweet" and a direct marketer.

Another hypothesis even suggests that some wives intentionally fatten their husbands for the purpose of making them less attractive in the eyes of other women.

Tam Fry, an obesity expert who has been married for nearly 50 years, added: "I would like if my own example. My wife has a habit of cooking enough for an army and I have to be very careful about how much I eat, women always want to please their men, they can win the heart of a man through his stomach and men must be the one to decide whether he Do we want to grow fat? "

In addition to the above negative findings, the team obtained some good results. Specifically, they found that married men often eat more fruit . They also eat less fattening skewers and hamburgers than they were when they were single.

Another separate study also discovered that the same condition of fertility attacks women after marriage. American scientists have followed the lives of 10,000 people and noted that married women have less time to exercise than single women and are more likely to gain weight because they are too busy , do not pay attention and don't take care of yourself.