Marriage is good for women's hearts

Marriage is not only good for men's heart health but also for women, according to research by Finnish scientists.

A recent scientific study suggests that marriage offers many health benefits for men because they are cared for by their wives and reminded to see a doctor more often.

Picture 1 of Marriage is good for women's hearts
Marriage helps reduce the risk of heart disease in both husband and wife.

However, the latest research by scientists at the University Hospital of Turku (Finland) found that women also benefit from marriage.

Scientists conducted research with 15,330 schools suffering from acute heart disease during a 10-year jail. As a result, they found that single women and men have a two-thirds higher risk of heart disease than married people.

Among patients with heart attack or unstable angina (UA), single people are at risk of dying within 28 days after the disease is 2.5 times higher than married people. .

'We do not rule out the possibility that people with weak health conditions may not get married or divorce,' the team said. However, they believe that marriage has a protective effect on health.

Scientists also said that married people are at higher risk of survival when they develop heart disease because they get faster help from their spouses.