Can predict the risk of marriage breakdown through photos

If we want to know if an individual's marriage is sustainable, we can look at the pictures that person took when we were young.

Picture 1 of Can predict the risk of marriage breakdown through photos

Children who smile when taking photos will have a three-times more sustainable marriage life than people who don't laugh.Photo: Telegraph.

Scientists at DePauw University (USA) claim that children who smile when taking photos often have a more sustainable marriage than those who frown. Even photos that an individual takes in the fifth year can tell a lot about the future marriage of that person.

To demonstrate this statement, a team of DePauw University researchers 650 adults in the age of 21-87. They asked volunteers to provide photos taken during the final years of schooling. The team assessed the level of radiance in each person's smile on a scale. Then scientists asked volunteers about marital status.

The results show that each person's level of open mouth when smiling is related to the risk of marriage breakdown. "Children who don't laugh or frown when taking photos are three times more likely to divorce than others when they grow up," the team said.

To reinforce this conclusion, scientists continue to conduct one more experiment, in which they select only the photos that volunteers took at the fifth age. The research team found that the divorce rate among non-smiling children was still three times higher than for the most smiling children.

Experts believe that children who laugh and smile will become optimistic and loving when they grow up. Such people often do not surrender when having difficulties in work and emotional life. In addition, optimistic individuals also tend to marry people with similar personalities. So their marriage is less likely to break down.