With a divorce rate of about 50% and many people getting married more than once, we sometimes feel that people can't find a lasting relationship for themselves.
Scientists at the Karolinska Research Institute have recently discovered a link between a particular gene and the relationship of couples.
Many DNA testing companies in the world are promising to make silk and maternal love for couples based on the results of genetic analysis.
A dynasty who ruled over vast lands in Europe for nearly 200 years was annihilated by the last emperor who had no children because of the marriage tradition of the same lineage.
Scientists have conducted 34 studies over the past two decades by collecting data from more than 2 million people aged 42-77 in Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.
According to Canadian experts, the serious consequences of infection, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases have prompted the ancient people to arrange for a healthier
The twins are usually easily over-age 60, with a life expectancy much higher than the general population thanks to the deep emotional affinity difficult to separate.
Marriage is an evolutionary step of the human race from polygamy to protect reproductive health, ensuring good maintenance of the race.
Previously, for a long time scientists thought that problem
Scientists have developed a new kind of love test, which is believed to better guide a relationship's success.