Female chose to commit suicide other than male

Scientist Valerie Callanan at Akron University and researcher Mark Davis of Crime Research Center at Ohio State University, USA, have demonstrated significant gender differences in how to choose suicide. between men and women.

While suicide with guns is preferred in both sexes, women are less likely to shoot in the head or face than men , a new US study confirms.

Although many previous studies have analyzed sex differences in the risk of suicide, very few studies have investigated gender differences in suicide methods. Scientists believe that understanding the gender difference in suicide will lead to an important application in preventing suicide.

Picture 1 of Female chose to commit suicide other than male
Men often choose to shoot in the head or face more than twice as many women when they commit suicide.

The Callanan and Davis researchers surveyed the medical records of 621 suicides in Summit, Ohio, the United States, which occurred during a 10-year period from 1997 to 2006.

Researchers found that women are less likely to use suicidal methods that are more likely to cause facial deformities or headaches than men. In fact, men often choose suicides to deform head or face twice as high as women.

Researchers also found that for each unit increased in blood alcohol level, the rate of choosing suicide method deformed the head or face increased by nearly 10%. Sex, age, life events, and suicidal attempts can all predict the possibility of using suicide to deform the face and head.

The authors conclude: 'Females are less likely to choose to shoot themselves in the face or head because they are more interested in appearance than men. This helps to prevent suicide. '

'What we really know is that anyone who experiences a lot of stressful events is often at a very high risk of using a way of killing himself more specifically than those who don't suffer from such stress.