Men's suicide trend is 5 times more than that of women

According to a South African scientific group, men are 5 times more likely to commit suicide than women. This conclusion was announced on September 10, World Suicide Day - World Suicide Day.

Experts from the Research Institute of Concerns and Late Disappointments (SADAG), said men rarely seek help when falling into a state of depression, thus increasing their suicide ability.

To commit suicide, men often choose the methods that are most likely to cause death. According to SADAG, most of the suicide cases are hanged by young people aged 20-30. In addition, 66% of men committed suicide using poison.

Picture 1 of Men's suicide trend is 5 times more than that of women

Men rarely seek help when they are in a state of depression so they tend to commit suicide 5 times higher than women.(Photo: BBC)

"When men choose to die, they always do everything to not have many chances to be saved. Because many social prejudices, men do not often seek help. So we do not know they have problems. What's the story until it's become so late, " said Janine Shamos, senior advisor to SADAG.

Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the theme of World Suicide Day 2007 will focus on preventing suicide at all ages. WHO estimates that one person will kill himself every 30 seconds. That is, every day about 3,000 suicides have occurred.

Moreover, for every person who has finished his life, 20 others or even more are trying to commit suicide. The suicide rate has now increased globally, especially in developing countries.

"According to many reports, suicide is now one of the top three causes of death among young people between the ages of 15 and 34. However, most suicides still belong to the group of heads. city ​​and elderly people aged 60 and over, " WHO warns.

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