Find out the mechanism to maintain HIV infection

Australian scientists have revealed the most complete picture of the mechanism of maintaining infection in the body of the HIV virus, a picture showing new ways to combat this virus.

Picture 1 of Find out the mechanism to maintain HIV infection
HIV virus. (Source: Internet)

Research by the scientists has explained how HIV virus hides sleep status in a range of cells that conventional methods of prevention cannot fight them and " wake up " some time later.

According to co-director of the Virus Center of Burnet Medical Research Institute and director of infectious diseases department of Alfred Hospital, Professor Sharon Lewin, once the HIV virus penetrates these cells, it can stay in the state. sleep .

HIV / AIDS medicines will not be able to clean those cells once the patient stops using them. Then, the virus can wake up and become active again.

Understanding the above mechanism of HIV virus will help select new treatments to prevent the infection of this virus.