Find out where Homo sapiens mixed blood from different species

A very special land in the Middle East witnessed a particularly important turning point in the migration and evolutionary history of our species Homo sapiens.

Announcing the special discovery in the scientific journal Nature Communications, a group of scientists from Italy, the US, Australia and Estonia affirmed that climate models and genetic data pointed to the Persian plateau as the home of Homo sapiens. first settled after leaving Africa.

And they are not alone.

Picture 1 of Find out where Homo sapiens mixed blood from different species
Zargos Cave in Iran, where there is evidence of hunter-gatherers settling 42,000 years ago - (Photo: Mohammad Javad Shoaee).

The Persian Plateau is an area that has been settled by humans for many periods, spanning most of present-day Iran as well as the Persian Gulf and parts of Mesopotamia.

During the first migration from Africa 70,000 years ago, Homo sapiens chose this area to settle for 20,000 years.

Homo sapiens, or " homo sapiens" , is our species.

This finding is also supported by fossil evidence and ancient tools found in the area.

More specifically, the Persian plateau is also home to fossil sites of Neanderthals dating to coincide with the presence of Homo sapiens communities during the same period.

Neanderthals are an ancient human species that became extinct more than 30,000 years ago, in the same genus Homo (Human) as our species.

According to anthropologist Leonardo Vallini from the University of Padua (Italy), the main author of the study, the combination of Homo sapiens - Neanderthals may have taken place during this period, but the small possibility that This group avoids each other.

If these two communities meet each other, this land will become especially important in human history. Because intermarriage with Neanderthals has long been known to significantly change our genome.

Today, the modern human body still has about 2% of DNA inherited from ancestors of different species.

In addition, the Persian plateau also witnessed an important period for innovation in culture, weapon manufacturing techniques, lifestyle. of our ancestors.

Thus, not only is it the cradle of brilliant civilizations known through early history, this area is also a place where humanity has undergone remarkable evolutionary steps in all aspects.

From these findings, scientists hope that further searches will help bring more fossil evidence and paleoecological data to fill in the gaps in humanity's early history. in the Eurasian steppe region.