Find the coolest brown dwarf

NASA telescopes have found the coolest brown dwarf ever. The temperature of this star's surface is on par with the North Pole.

Picture 1 of Find the coolest brown dwarf
Brown dwarf has just been discovered - (Photo: NASA)

The WISE and Spitzer Space Telescope Survey Ship (WISE) discovered the new neighborhood of the solar system, about 7.2 light-years away from Earth with the symbol WISE J085510.83-071442.5.

Star WISE J085510.83-071442.5 has temperatures ranging from -48 to -13 degrees Celsius, while the coolest brown dwarfs previously stopped at room temperature in the earth.

Brown dwarfs are like normal stars but they lack mass to burn nuclear energy and shine.

The coolest brown dwarf has a mass of 3 to 10 times Jupiter. The identification of this rare star promises to help experts further study the atmosphere of extraterrestrial planets due to the same temperature.