Find the shelter of Yetis Snowman in Russia

The Russians in Siberia have stated that they have found the mountain where Yetis resided and "undeniable proof" about the existence of this creature.

Russians mining coal in Kemerovo region have just issued a statement on their own website that they have found footprints and possibly even hair samples from the Yetis Snowmen from surveys in the regions. High mountains and pristine in the area.

Picture 1 of Find the shelter of Yetis Snowman in Russia
The creature in this photo is believed to be the Yetis Snowman

"During the Azasskaya cave expedition we found irrefutable evidence that the Shoria mountains are inhabited by" Snowman " - a representative of the regional government of Kemerovo said.

A new research team was also formed by governor Kemerovo after he invited researchers from the US, Canada and some other countries to share findings and talk with people who had clashed with births. The mystery at a local conference.

"They found the footprints of the snowman, possibly both the sleeping place and the various signs used by Yetis to mark their territory" - Kemerovo government representative declared. According to him, the collected "artifacts" will be sent for special laboratory analysis.

Yetis or the Snowman is a legendary creature with fur like a monkey, but walking with two limbs is like a human and has a very tall body. Many believe that this creature exists and lives in the snow-capped high mountains of the Himalayas.

However, there are also some reports that some Snow people are living in the area deep in Siberia in Russia. In particular, the Shoria mountains of Kemerovo, in Western Siberia are sparsely populated areas, which have long history of coal and metal mining.

Kemerovo's administrative center is the Kuznetsk coal mining area, which has been tracking Yetis for many years and is trying to develop tourism into a major industrial economy.

Local authorities here are reviewing their latest findings on the Yetis and plan to open a special Yetis research center in the local university and set up a magazine dedicated to research, discovered about Yetis.