A silver-haired old man, with a generous, compassionate heart, through the windows could recognize a good or disobedient child, Santa Claus, aka Santa, a human Things have become

Some students at Rusko-Urski village (Kemerovo district, Russian Federation) have recorded a video of the footprints of a giant animal left on a thick white snow, with a mobile

Not only that, they argue that snowmen are the result of a hybrid of an individual female Homo sapien and an unknown primates.

The analysis of strange hair samples in Russia's Siberia shows that they belong to a higher animal than a monkey but not a human.

The legendary Bigfoot monster, also known as Sasquatch, is a giant creature half a half-ape, living mainly in the Pacific Northwest region.

Russians see many snow-shaped creatures, thought to have dense fur, at three locations in southwestern Siberia.

According to Discovery, in 2008, Destination Truth television program found a strand of Yeti hair (formerly known as Snowman). However, the DNA test report of this hair has not

A group of scientists has just released a statement: they have found evidence that the Yetis snowman not only exists but also builds 'houses' by twisting the branches together.

The Russians in Siberia have claimed that they have found the mountain where Yetis resides and

In late September this year (2010) an expedition of scientific journalists will set off for Gornaia Soria in southern Kubass to search for the Snowman, who can fly from the