Fingerprint anti-counterfeit nano

Scientists have invented a form of nano "fingerprints" that can be integrated into money, mobile devices and credit cards, with anti-counterfeiting.

>>> new technique to detect fingerprints

Picture 1 of Fingerprint anti-counterfeit nano
New invention allows for the forging of credit cards - (Photo: Shutterstock)

The 'nano' fingerprints are unique models made of randomly distributed nanofibres, in an increasingly popular anti-counterfeiting effort.

These types of 'fingerprints' are made from 20 to 40 nanowires, each with an average length of 10 to 50 micrometers, making the patterns virtually invisible to the naked eye.

Once attached to the thin film, the 'fingerprint' is ready to mark a variety of goods from electronics, pharmaceuticals to credit cards and cash, according to a report in the journal Nanotechnology.

According to researchers at the Korea Institute of Advanced Technology and Science (KAIST), ' nanoscale ' fingerprints are almost impossible to copy because they are randomly presented.

Team leader Hyotcherl Ihee calculated that the cost of creating a 'fingerprint' nanometer would be less than $ 1 per acre.