First discovered life in the deep bottom of the Earth's crust

International scientists first discovered life in the gabbro layer of the Earth's crust, and also found evidence that could prove to exist at the bottom of the Earth's crust.

Picture 1 of First discovered life in the deep bottom of the Earth's crust
Illustration. (Internet source)

Scientists conducted exploratory drilling in the ocean floor area in the Atlantic Ocean where active geological structures are active. The thickness of basalt layer in this area is only about 70m.

Scientists have reached the gabbro layer of the Earth's crust at a depth of more than 1,300 meters. The temperature in the gabbro layer of the Earth's crust far exceeds that of sea level.

Exploratory drilling results surprised scientists because in the area of ​​the gabbro layer of the Earth's crust there is a large amount of life, mainly bacterial populations that use hydrocarbons as food.

This finding suggests that bacteria may not evolve at the gabbro layer of the Earth's crust that moves from the upper strata to the lower stratum.

The discovery of a population of bacteria using hydrocarbons as food ear in the crust of the Earth's crust shows that life has gradually formed at the deep bottom area of ​​the Earth's crust. It is known that the scientific community has also discovered the process of forming the structure of oil and gas in the Earth's crust.

This shows that life may have invaded and proliferated at the deep bottom of the Earth.