Fish also know how to feel ... hurt like a human

In a recently published review by researchers from the University of Liverpool, the fish 'residents' felt the same pain as us.

For example, sea anchovies are fish that feed on feeding techniques, they eat less after being caught with a hook than when caught in another way.

Or like goldfish being electrocuted in a part of the tank where they are accustomed to feeding will avoid this area for three days.

Picture 1 of Fish also know how to feel ... hurt like a human
The fish is said to be as painful as humans and some other animals.

Extreme heat also has a negative effect on the behavior of zebrafish and goldfish, or the fear is also alleviated by painkillers.

Many species of fish have been observed showing their behavior changes after a painful experience. For example, they can become less active, stop eating, breathe quickly or even rub the affected area on something, just like we can rub a sore finger.

"When the fish's mouth is in painful irritation, they bury their mouth next to the tank," a researcher said.

The pain response is quite energy-intensive for the fish because it consumes less food and uses up energy to reduce pain. Behavioral changes after a painful experience are impaired with fish pain medication, suggesting that pain is the cause of many odd behaviors.

The researchers also noted that while fish and mammals have similarities in pain, the fish live in a different environment from terrestrial mammals and therefore face hazards. causing various pain. For example, on the ground of gravity there is a risk that we might fall and hurt ourselves.

"If we accept sore fish, then this is important for the way we treat them. Care should be taken when handling fish to avoid damaging their sensitive skin and they should be humane capture and kill, " said researcher Sneddon.

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