Fish prey on fishing rods

With fierce jaws and a natural 'fishing rod' on the head, Wolftrap fish is dubbed the 'monster' of the ocean.

Picture 1 of Fish prey on fishing rods
Fishing rod or Wolftrap fish (Anglerfishes) belongs to the Lophiiformes bone fish family. (Photo:

Picture 2 of Fish prey on fishing rods
They live in the deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. (Photo:

Picture 3 of Fish prey on fishing rods
This species has a variety of colors, from gray to dark brown and has a body length of 20cm to 100cm. (Photo:

Picture 4 of Fish prey on fishing rods
The fishing rod possesses a bizarre body with an 'oversized' head, an unusually large upper jaw and can be folded down to accommodate the lower jaw. (Photo:

Picture 5 of Fish prey on fishing rods
They are considered one of the 'monsters' of the sea. (Photo:

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The jaw with sharp fangs is also a powerful weapon for Wolftrap when hunting. (Photo:

Picture 7 of Fish prey on fishing rods
In addition, they attract special attention thanks to the natural 'fishing rod' on the top of the head. (Photos:

Picture 8 of Fish prey on fishing rods
Wolftrap's 'fishing rod' makes prey jump into their mouths. (Photo:

Picture 9 of Fish prey on fishing rods
The ugly body is the advantage of Wolftrap fish, helping them to hide and wait for their prey to fall into their mouths. (Photo:

Picture 10 of Fish prey on fishing rods
Due to the ability of the jaw and stomach to expand itself, the fishing rod can digest a large prey twice their size. (Photo: