Fish species also know to sing chorus

Many people believe that fish are silent creatures, but new research shows that some fish can sing. Just like birds, fish often makes a choir daily at dawn and sunset.

In a new study published in Bioacoustics, scientist Robert McCauley - from Curtin University (Perth, Australia) and colleagues use sound recorders located at different locations off the coast of Port Hedland in Western Australia to record individual chorus from the ocean.

They found that most underwater sounds are repetitive solo performances from fish. Sometimes, the fish combine together to perform choruses.

The "songs" mainly appear in the early spring, late summer and take place at different times of the day, especially at sunrise and sunset.

Picture 1 of Fish species also know to sing chorus
Fish sing good or no less than birds.(Photo: Pinimg).

This is what surprised scientists. Until now, fish were often considered silent and noiseless creatures like birds and mammals. So, this sea creature makes sounds like other animals is a very significant thing.

In nature, sound is created and used as an effective means to express interest.

For example, the frog's call for a partner, the steppe dogs use a variety of complex sounds to warn each other about potential dangers and young birds making sounds to birds. Mom knows they are very hungry.

Sound also plays an important role in some fish behaviors such as territorial disputes, reproduction and feeding. For example, predatory fish at night use calls so they can go together when hunting. Fish that hunt during the day also use sound to protect their territory.

Birds known as "singing" can drown out the sound pollution in cities, so their potential mates can hear "flirting" even in the middle of an urban area. noisy.

Picture 2 of Fish species also know to sing chorus
Sound also plays an important role in some fish behaviors.

In this study, McCauley and his colleagues found no evidence that singing fish species in the study area were affected by sound pollution.

However, some other studies have previously shown that the ocean is becoming too noisy will be detrimental to marine animals such as whales and dolphins.

Noise in the ocean can have harmful consequences for marine animals. For example, the sound of ships makes the whale's ability to listen to each other in danger.