Meet the only fish species in the world that can

This 1-0-2 ability helps Siamese fish become a very popular species for aquarium hobbyists.

Siamese fighting fish is a variety of colorful fishes, beautiful round stretch fins and one of the most loved species in the aquarium world.

However, what makes them truly stand out is the strange intelligence and the ability to "change color" like . Pokémon. Strange? Find out about this fish through the article below.

Picture 1 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
Siamese fighting fish is a variety of fish of various colors.

Siamese fighting fish is a common name for some Betta species, in which the most favorite is B.splendens - also known as Siamese fighting fish .

As a long-standing fish in Thailand, Siamese fighting fish have been bred very much, now there are thousands of different "siblings" with all kinds of colors and tail shapes. It is also the feature that makes them become very popular ornamental fishes all over the world.

Picture 2 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
Siamese fighting fish was bred to make ornamental fish with massive fins.

Famed for his colorful colors and his beautiful long fins, few know that Siamese fish outside the wild are only two dull green and brown with short fins. .

Thanks to the breeding process of humans, there have appeared many varieties of Siamese fish that possess the colorful "suits" such as Veiltail, Delta, Superdelta, Halfmoon .

However, you need to know that this breed has an extremely "annoying" ability to its owners: the colorful wings are easily lost if they are stressed or sick.

Picture 3 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
Wild Siamese fighting fish.

Picture 4 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
The phenomenon of changing fish color is really 1-0-2.

The phenomenon of changing fish color is really 1-0-2. After observing this fish in different environments and over a certain period of time, it was realized that the color of the Siamese fighting fish will change depending on the advantages of the habitat and even. . their mood.

Picture 5 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
The color of Siamese fighting fish will change depending on the advantages of the environment and even . their mood.

When Siamese fighting fish must live in an unfavorable environment, not enough food, they will have dull and pale colors and have weak, small fins.

However, after a period of living in more favorable conditions, they completely changed and put on a bold "wings" with long fins.

Picture 6 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
This is the oldest fish in Thailand.

The reason given is that besides having a "potential enemy" has put the fish in a stressful state, making it change color.

It is hard to believe, but scientists have also found that Siamese fighting fish have high intelligence and can recognize their owners as well as . acting. They can be taught to swim with your fingers, swim through or push the ball into the golf course! They are also known to be aggressive and often used in "fighting fish" matches .

Picture 7 of Meet the only fish species in the world that can
This breed is famous for being aggressive and often used in "fighting fish" matches.(Photo: Dr Tom Bailey).

It can be seen that not only is a beautiful ornamental fish, Siamese fighting fish also possess unexpected "talents" . Therefore, this small fish is ranked second only to goldfish in the list of favorite fish lovers.

So if you own a siamese fish, try taking some time to look after them and watch them, maybe you will witness this magic ability!