Fleas know how to listen

The professor conducted a very important study. He trains a flea to understand and fulfill the command when he chants "Jump!".

At the beginning of the experiment, the scientist cut off one leg of the flea and ordered it to jump. The little insect obeys. The scientist wrote in his notebook: "S, when the foot is removed, the tick's organs are still functioning normally ."

Next, the scientist cut another leg of the flea and ordered: " Jump! ". The bug still jumps up and the professor happily notes: " After removing the legs, the tick's organs are still functioning properly ."

At the next stage, the scientist just left the flea one leg and ordered it to jump. The animal still pops up as usual and its trainer writes in the notebook: " Fleas organs work normally when they have only one leg left ."

Finally, the professor cut off the tick's remaining leg and ordered it to jump. The insect lies motionless. The scientist repeated the experiment many times and gave the same results every time. He came to the conclusion: " When all legs are removed, fleas lose hearing ."


Cake for funerals

Angus is dying. In the struggle of death, he spontaneously saw the scent of the most favorite pastry in his life crept up from the kitchen.

Gathering the remaining power, Augus got out of bed. Slowly leaning against the wall, he went out of the bedroom. And with an even greater effort, he pressed both hands to the staircase to crawl downstairs. He leaned against the door while panting and staring at the kitchen. Without the pain of the approaching death, perhaps he would think he was in paradise: " There, in the newspapers are hundreds, hundreds of delicious delicacies are laid out. Perhaps Is this not heaven? Or is this a noble act of your devoted wife with a desire to leave this world as the happiest man on earth? "

Taking the last breath, he pushed himself to the trembling table kneeling. His lips opened hard, the sweet taste of the scones almost in his mouth . It seemed to be able to pull him back to life.

Suddenly, a ' Roar! 'The goddess pulled him back to reality. The wife had just smacked her hand, trembling on the table, causing it to shake and the cake falling back.

- Don't touch these things! - The wife roared. - Those are for funerals!