For a long time, forget some things

Childhood memories are probably best preserved in photo albums, not in the brain. Remembering old memories makes you forget an important appointment or what to buy today.

A new study last month found too many long-term memories that made it difficult to filter new information and handle short-term memories."In the modern world, we are constantly attacked by tons of new information that we have to filter out often, if we do not, we will suffocate." Picture 1 of For a long time, forget some things , research member Gaël Malleret at Columbia University Medical Center said.

New research finds that people with good memory may have fewer new neurons developed in the hippocampus region - the brain region involved in memory formation. This helps them to forget the unnecessary old information faster and make it easier for them to receive new information.

Previously, researchers believe that the development of new neurons in the hippocampus is beneficial for memory. But in the new study, Malleret and colleagues inhibit the development of this brain region and find better short-term memory.

"We were surprised to find that hippocampus inhibits neuronal development leading to improved short-term memory, which suggests that too many memories are not necessarily a good thing, and forgetting is needed. set for a normal mind and behavior, " Malleret said.