For the first time, we have evidence that Earth's inner core exists in solid form

The core of the Earth carries very specific messages, our job is to understand them.

For the first time, geologists have confirmed that Earth's inner core - the innermost part of the Earth's heart - exists in a solid body. However, it is not as solid as previous studies have shown. By analyzing the new seismic wave technique, we uncover the secret of the Earth class most far from us.

Researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) analyzed seismic low-amplitude "J-phase" waves , which could pass through the Earth's center to determine the solidity of the inner core. The outermost layer of the Earth's crust is always shifting, the energy waves continuously travel from outside to inside, throughout the depth of the Earth.

Picture 1 of For the first time, we have evidence that Earth's inner core exists in solid form
By analyzing the new seismic wave technique, we uncover the secret of the Earth class most far from us.

These waves exist in many forms. By analyzing them, we can know the properties of each soil layer that the waves pass through. There is a special type of wave, J-phase, that can pass through the inner core and tell us the nature of the core. We haven't measured it before, but we have a solid theory to do it.

J-phase is very small and very weak, the discovery of it is still very difficult.

There are two scientists at ANU who find a way to capture the extremely clever J-phase. They placed two seismic gauges on the Earth's surface, measuring all the energy wave activity in the ground, continuously for several hours immediately after a large geological activity took place. With enough data going in pairs (data from both meters), we can find a certain pattern.

"Using a system of global metering stations, we use each pair of machines to measure each major earthquake - there is a lot of combined data from many places - and we compare the similarities in the data obtained , " said researcher Hrvoje Tkalčić. From the same point, they created "Earth's fingerprint". Geological researchers in North and South Pole use the same method to measure the thickness of ice. In the future, we can also apply this method to other planets.

A century ago, we thought that the Earth had a liquid core, and it gradually solidified into layers. But in the 1930s, when analyzing the data of a major earthquake in New Zealand, researchers realized a kind of unprecedented signal. Inge Lehmann seismologist said that this is a signal bounced off from a solid inner core. It has been known for a long time that the inner core is a block of iron and nickel with a radius of 70% of the Moon's radius, with a temperature comparable to the surface of the Sun.

Picture 2 of For the first time, we have evidence that Earth's inner core exists in solid form
The inner core is a block of iron and nickel with a radius of 70% of the Moon's radius.

So far we have evidence that the inner core exists in a solid body.

"We determined that the inner core of the Earth is solid, but it is softer than all previous studies show," concluded Hrvoje Tkalčić. "If our research is correct, the inner core will have less elasticity like gold and platinum."

Worthwhile information about the Earth's mind will unlock more or less secrets such as how the planet forms or how the Earth's magnetic field works."Understanding the core properties in the direct effect of maintaining geomagnetic Earth, if there is no geomagnetic field, there will be no life on the ground."

The core of the Earth has its very own messages, our job is to understand them.

The study was published in the journal Nature.