Found civilization 'lost'

Archaeologists have found 'lost' civilization in southwestern Libya. Those are the sand castles of ancient culture in the Sahara desert.

Archaeologists share satellite images that show more than a hundred settlements and fortresses located in southwestern Libya. The fortress is located 1,000 km south of the capital Tripoli, surrounded by solid walls. Although it was slightly eroded by the wind, it was still 3-4m high.

Picture 1 of Found civilization 'lost'
Architectural construction with compound mud bricks by
Garamantes mysterious people - (Photo: National Geographic)

This population formed from about 1 to 500 AD, owned by the mysterious Garamantes group, who ruled from the 2nd to 7th centuries AD in this desert land.

Archaeologists also found the pottery of Garamantes. They were amazed at the durability of this ancient mud brick compound.

David Mattingly, the head of the project, at the University of Leicester, UK, said: 'Many people mistakenly believe this fort is like Roman border fortress designs. But in fact it is not so, it has gone beyond speculation, which are powerful signs of the African indigenous kingdom. '

Archaeologists believe that in Garamantes there is metallurgy, the quality of textiles is very high, including the writing system . More specifically, the advanced irrigation system of Garamantes to create oases. green in the desert.

It is not yet known why this civilization disappeared, but according to the speculation of scientists, the community living in this desert could not continue to exist when the source of groundwater ran out. In addition, the collapse of the Roman empire, the conflict in the Mediterranean region also affected the commercial roads that feed the desert communities.