Found erotic paintings from Roman times

Italian archaeologists have found brightly colored frescoes depicting epic scenes and sexual content inside the hallway of the Colosseum in Rome, along with drawings ancient.

"We found traces of decorative activities in blue, red and green colors," said Rossella Rea, director of the arena management agency for AFP.

According to Repubblica, the drawings seem: "described glory in the world of gladiator fighters, with laurels, arrows, wreaths of victory and even sexual scenes."

Picture 1 of Found erotic paintings from Roman times
Colosseum arena becomes more and more attractive after the movie The Gladiator.

The frescoes found in a corridor are now closed for visitors to visit for archaeologists to restore. It is located in the area between the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Colosseum, which has been damaged in recent years.

"We found 17th century writings as well as the signatures of foreign audiences and visitors who came here to see gladiatorial competitions" - Rea said - " We hope to be able to find other traces located in this corridor, but it depends on how much money to continue the restoration process. "

The frescoes are located in an area of ​​about 1 square meter in a corridor about 60 meters wide and will be open to the public in 2014.

The Colosseum, built in 80 AD by Roman emperor Titus and now one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, is now in serious disrepair.

Picture 2 of Found erotic paintings from Roman times
Tourists visit the Roman arena. (Source: AFP)

Much of the stone's construction, after being blackened by the air pollution, fell out of the building several years ago. Some experts are also concerned that the works are showing signs of subsidence.

The number of visitors to the Colosseum, measuring 188mx156m, 48.5 meters high, has increased from 1 million to 6 million a year over the past decade, mainly due to the impact of the blockbuster "Gladiator".