Found 'living fossils' of ghost sharks

Very few people in the world have ever heard of an extremely rare species called ghost shark. But the Japanese discovered an ancient creature alive, and even played in a lake. Unfortunately, the animal died on January 27th.

Picture 1 of Found 'living fossils' of ghost sharks " We took it to the lake and showed it to the public ," a Tokyo Marine Park official said. The zoo's staff found a shark in Tokyo Bay when they sailed with a local fisherman on January 25. The long-nose gray shark caught the fishermen's net at a depth of about 150 to 200 meters, about 1.3 meters long.

"Ghost sharks are still often caught, but rarely in a live state. This time, we were able to record their swimming. After it died, we had surgery to investigate more carefully , " he said.

This creature is found only in deep waters off Japan, South Africa, and in a strange case in the Indian Ocean. Very little is known about its life.

Similar to prehistoric sharks, ghost sharks have awl-like teeth and protruding jaws, proving to be a fish hunter.

Picture 2 of Found 'living fossils' of ghost sharks
Ghost shark (Photo:

T. An