The fiends in the shark world

Many sharks have bizarre characteristics such as giant mouths, solid snakes or saw teeth, making them different from their peers.

Collection of weird shark species in the world

Japanese Wobbegong shark

Picture 1 of The fiends in the shark world
Japanese Wobbegong sharks are a stingray species with many whiskers coming out of their mouths, allowing them to taste and feel food.This shark species lives mainly in the Philippine Islands and is an excellent predator.(Photo: rling).

Big mouth shark

Picture 2 of The fiends in the shark world
Discovered in 1976, big mouth sharks are rare.They live in deep waters around the world and have a giant mouth containing 50 sharp little teeth.(Photo: LoLWot).

Ghost shark Australia

Picture 3 of The fiends in the shark world
Australian ghost sharks, also known as whale sharks, are only 1.2 meters long and are easily recognizable because they grow very slowly.A ghost shark feature is the protruding portion of the nose.(Photo: LoLWot).

Goblin sharks

Picture 4 of The fiends in the shark world
As a rare species that lives at depths of more than 100m below sea level, goblin sharks can reach up to 4m long.The long, protruding mouth with the jaw that sticks out to grab prey is the most striking feature of goblin sharks.(Photo: LoLWot).

Fox sharks

Picture 5 of The fiends in the shark world
Thanks to a special long tail, fox shark swim very fast.Its tail alone weighed over 300kg, accounting for 33% of its body weight.Fox sharks often live in tropical and temperate seas.(Photo: LoLWot).

Shaggy sharks in the Caribbean

Picture 6 of The fiends in the shark world
This shark is quite scary in appearance with unusual large fins on small bodies.Living near the seabed in deep water, shaggy sharks are hard to detect.(Photo: LoLWot).

Cookie Cutter Shark

Picture 7 of The fiends in the shark world
The Cookie Cutter shark is also known as cigar shark , living in warm waters of the world.An adult fish weighs about 4.5kg and is 0.6 meters long.Its name comes from the same marks as a cookie mold that it left on its big prey.(Photo: LoLWot).

Saw tooth shark

Picture 8 of The fiends in the shark world
The tooth shark sawmill is a prehistoric fish that lived 250 million years ago.This fish has unique teeth with spiral jaws like a saw blade, which helps it to hunt effectively.(Photo: LoLWot).

Pajama shark

Picture 9 of The fiends in the shark world
Focused on the South African coast, Pajama sharks are nocturnal, slow moving and have seven dark bars on the gray body.They lay eggs once a year.Eggs cling to aquatic plants and hatch 5 - 6 months later.Photo: LoLWot.

Lizard sharks

Picture 10 of The fiends in the shark world
Lizard sharks live in deep waters, possessing jaws with thousands of sharp teeth and elongated bodies like snakes.Photo: LoLWot.