Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks

Goblin sharks, ghost sharks, . are monstrous sharks that you can hardly believe that they are and are already in the world.

Unusual sharks are strange

Picture 1 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
One of the monstrous sharks is the wobbegong shark, or carpet shark.This breed is a master of disguise by using speckled skin and whiskers to hide in the sand of the ocean floor and ambush the prey.

Picture 2 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
This heterogeneous shark is only 43-56cm long but its body has the ability to glow, attracting prey and its teeth are strong, making it not to be known to dominate the ocean, regardless of its small body. little.

Picture 3 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
The shark thrives not only stand out thanks to its monstrous body but is also famous for its gestation period of up to 42 months - the longest in the vertebrate system.In addition, with 300 pitchers, this terrible shark is truly the terror of the ocean.

Picture 4 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Rare and hideous goblin sharks live in the dark water of the ocean –250m below sea level.

Picture 5 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Australian ghost shark is one of the small members of the shark family, living in relatively shallow waters, with silvery skin, when flashing makes people think they are seeing ghosts.

Picture 6 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Possessing a sharp saw blade right above the head, this fish was named the sawfish.

Picture 7 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Big mouth shark is very worthy of its name because of its wide mouth of terror.As soon as they swim, they open their mouths to suck up plankton and jellyfish as food.

Picture 8 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Born with a large long tail fin, the thresher shark uses the tail as a whip, hitting the prey to make the prey unable to resist.

Picture 9 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Although Megalodon sharks are extinct, they are still the most fearful sharks because they are one of the largest and strongest predators in history with a length of up to 18m.

Picture 10 of Terrifying to the incredible weird sharks
Also extinct as Megalodon, the fossil shark's fossils show that the clusters are arranged like a circular saw, used for self-defense and ready for attacks.