Photographs of scary monsters under the ocean have been caught by a Russian fisherman who has attracted much attention on social networks.

By shaking himself, oonamazu caused earthquakes all over Japan, the animal of this legend was suddenly photographed and brought up ... Twitter.

Find out about the strange and extremely dangerous animals that exist thousands of meters from the surface of the sea.

Goblin sharks, ghost sharks, ... are monstrous sharks that you can hardly believe that they are and are already in the world.

In a two-month discovery in India, scientists discovered hundreds of exotic sharks, some of which were first known.

Hai clung to the sea crab to hitchhike is one of the most impressive images scientists have taken during a recent exploration of Indonesian waters.

US scientists have discovered a mysterious shark in the eastern Pacific. In this species, the genitals of the male fish lie on the forehead.

Female ghost sharks have special parts in the body to store male sperm for subsequent fertilization.

Of the more than 400 shark species that inhabit the waters of the world, scientists have identified five shark species that specialize in freshwater areas in rivers and lakes.

During the 2-month fishing journey in early 2012, new graduate student Paul Clerkin has seen many strange sharks under 2,000m in the Indian Ocean.