Found rare warbler species in Afghanistan

Researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Association (WSC) said they first discovered populations of lesser known birds in the world - big beaks (Large-billed Reed-warbler, Acrocephalus orinus). ) - in the Pamir mountains in northeastern Afghanistan.

According to the BBC News Agency (UK), feather researcher Robert Timmins (USA) working at WCS found a big beak in Afghanistan while surveying the area.

Picture 1 of Found rare warbler species in Afghanistan

Species of large and rare beaks in Afghanistan

This tiny warbler is brown, first discovered in 1867, but has not been seen since 2006.

'One of the reasons why the big reed is less well known by humans is because it is often confusing to other injecting relatives, and is a favorite bird lurking in thick shrubs, no want people to see ' - Mr. Timmins said.

Mr. Timmins and his colleagues at WCS recorded the singing of the big beak and gave out to attract members in their hideout. DNA analysis shows that this is a very specific reproductive population of large beak reed compared to other large beak families.

The finding is quite important, suggesting that in the place of constant warfare, Afghanistan still contains many secrets of biodiversity and scientists are trying to protect them.