Fukushima is flooded with radioactive wild boar

The wild boars appear more and more around the Fukushima nuclear plant area, causing people here to suffer.

According to Mirror, the increasing number of wild pigs mutated with suspected radioactive substances at Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan is making people living in this area miserable.

These mutant pigs appear and destroy crops, fields, become a threat to the community when they even attack the people here.

Picture 1 of Fukushima is flooded with radioactive wild boar
Mutant wild pigs are making the lives of Japanese residents miserable.(Mirror Image Source).

Over the past 4 years (since the nuclear disaster that happened in Japan in 2011), these wild pigs have grown rapidly. They are free to reproduce for a long time. To date, these mutant pigs have quadrupled from 3,000 to 13,000.

Because of the increasing devastation of wild pigs, people living around Fukushima nuclear plants reported to the authorities for processing.

Because it cannot be consumed, because these pigs are thought to be contaminated with radioactive substances.Radioactive cesium-137 has been found in wild boar with a concentration 300 times higher than the safety threshold. Therefore, the Japanese government has taken into account the plan for the cremation of a corpse. However, this is also a difficult problem.

Currently, in Japan, many people from all over the region have flocked to the area around Fukushima nuclear plant to hunt pigs, then bury them. But because the number of pigs grows rapidly, while the area of ​​land to bury them is limited. So hunting pigs for burial is not a feasible way.