Remote control construction machines have been introduced into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to clear roads and paths filled with radioactive debris.

After a period of efforts to control the situation, Japan has begun to consider the final options such as spreading resin, even concrete to limit radioactive leakage at the

In the context that Japan is experiencing a serious nuclear crisis after the accident at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, on March 31, Japanese Prime Minister N.Kan and French

Radioactive clouds due to incidents of nuclear plants from Japan are spreading to Southeast Asia, but do not affect Vietnam, nuclear experts and meteorologists said.

Two strong earthquakes occurred in Japan tonight, the first in southwest Tokyo, leaving at least two people injured; the second match off the coast of Fukushima, which was heavily

Japan is entering the spring, the season of weeding. Cherry blossoms, blue Nemophila flowers, yellow daffodils, and even red peaches in Vietnam are racing.

The double disaster zone in northeastern Japan is gradually reviving, but the images of the wild rage make no one forget what happened nearly a year ago.

Reuters has announced the latest photos of the tsunami on March 11 last. These images have detailed, close-up tsunami battles attacking the factory ...

Japan will restart its nuclear power program today after two years of disruption due to community concerns related to the Fukushima disaster.

On May 30, German Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen announced that by 2022 all nuclear power plants in the country would be shut down. Thus, Germany will become the first