Funny science mysteries (part 1)

If two twins with the same eggs are married to two boys born from a fetus, will their children be the same?

Twins with eggs fall apart or get together more often than we think, forming so-called " quartet " marriages. Fortunately for most of us, their affair results are not human generations.

In fact, the chances of two twins' babies and identical eggs are zero, says geneticist Rob Martienssen from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York.

The only way to create identical babies is to have a single egg that separates into two identical embryos in the uterus. But, since the children of the quaternary couple are born in different wombs, they cannot undergo this doubling process.

Picture 1 of Funny science mysteries (part 1)

The twins with eggs when married will produce different children.(Photo: Popular Science)

For any child, the embryo will receive a random combination of genes from both parents. And even in the quaternary couple whose respective parents have identical genes, there is no chance for the same set of genes (specifying characteristics like eye color and height). each other. Therefore, these children will be similar in level to those of siblings born by a pair of non-twin parents.

Finally, of course, the same twins are the same as casting. But as they get older, a small group of chemicals has been added to their genome, in the process called methylation. Although scientists have not observed the phenomenon of inheriting methylation in humans, studies have shown that this may occur in mice. And at the time these twins have children, their genetic code is no longer the same. In other words, even twins with eggs are not really the same.

* there's more

T. An