Germany developed the most advanced robot in the world

The German Aerospace Center, a research institute for mechanics and robots, recently researched and developed a wheeled robot. This type of robot is not only capable of grasping but also skillfully making coffee.

This wheel robot is designed with the male outline and is named ' Justin Wheel.'

This is one of the most advanced robots in the world. This device can perform quick, accurate movements through visual and tactile systems, and can accomplish well tasks such as catching balls, brewing coffee.

Picture 1 of Germany developed the most advanced robot in the world
Justin wheel robot. (Source: Internet).

A research expert threw a balloon for Justin the wheel, and this smart robot after the visual feedback calculations came up with a judgment on the ball's orbital motion and extended mechanical hand. have four fingers to catch the ball.

Next, the researcher at the same time throws two balls towards Justin the wheel, this smart robot once again catches the ball properly. The ability of space separator and hand-eye coordination of Justin Wheel has made many people admire.

Justin also has a female robot friend, also has similar abilities of Justin. If you connect these two robots to iPads, you can use the computer to control their operation.

These robots can accomplish a lot of work, they can flexibly use the four mechanical arms to melt coffee mercilessly according to human commands. This is a big breakthrough for the robotics industry.