Giant birds flew back to visit the life-saving benefactor

The uncle of California, the biggest bird in North America, spreads his wings so that the benefactor can embrace his heart in the moment of reunion.

Mr. Edgardo (from Argentina) once saved a new born spirit California who fell from the nest. After a while of taking care of him, the bird learned to fly to return to the wild life.

Emotional thoughts between people and birds will only be a beautiful memory. But recently, the young uncle of California, a young man, found his way to visit the benefactor every day.

According to the Daily Mail, a special reunion with his cousin Edgardo took the device back and shared online. After only a few days of posting, the clip attracted more than 1.2 million views, with 30,000 sharing and comment.

Picture 1 of Giant birds flew back to visit the life-saving benefactor
Mr. Edgardo was surprised when the goddess found his way back to visit him.(Cropped image from clip).

As soon as he realized the benefactor, the big bird spread its wings, swooping in his heart full of affection. Edgardo was surprised, saying, "Hi, how are you? How wonderful, how do you know how to get back here? You look so cool!"

The person who filmed the clip felt warm before the affection between people and animals, so decided to share the story with everyone.

Picture 2 of Giant birds flew back to visit the life-saving benefactor
People and birds wrapped tangerines very long after quite a long time.(Cropped image from clip).

Monica Chiappalone commented: "It is so beautiful and lovely! It is hard to believe that wild animals spend so much love on people."

Gloria Valdovinos also expressed admiration for the love between Edgardo and "little friend".