Giant cobra spews a whole ... cobra

The video shows when a giant cobra gagged another smaller cobra, MSN reported.

Picture 1 of Giant cobra spews a whole ... cobra
A cobra that brings vomiting to cobra is definitely a rare sight.

Harish Chandra Parida, living in Satyabadi, Odisha state, India, was shocked to find the giant cobra in his kitchen on September 27.

Parida called the snake help hotline and volunteer Susant Behera was present.

To Susant's surprise, the cobra began to move and vomited something. First, Susant sees a tail, then the body of a smaller snake.

Subhendu Mallik, the head of the helpline, said: "When feeling dangerous, snakes often vomit their meals to escape faster. However, a cobra that vomits out a cobra is definitely rare sight '.