Giant rabbit

Rarely is a farm owner cool like Karl Szmolinsky in the town of Eberswalde, Germany. Evidence that Robert's rabbit had reached approximately 10 kg in weight and was recognized as the largest rabbit in the world.

Robert Rabbit started to be famous since February this year, after Erwin Teichmann's Rudi rabbit won the title of " Berlin Rabbit King " with 8.7 kg of weight. Meanwhile, at the same time, Robert surpassed half a kilogram.

The reputation of livestock by farmer Karl Szmolinsky also began to emerge from there. Up to now, he has received many orders from Korea to buy rabbit breeds by his own hands. At present, 12 rabbits have been exported to Korea to test.

It is known that this giant rabbit after maturity will reach a minimum weight of 7 kg, with an average life span of less than 1 decade.

Picture 1 of Giant rabbit
(Photo: BBC)