Global Risk Assessment System

Shimizu Group (Japan) announced on October 25, 2013 the successful development of a risk assessment system called "Shimizu Global Risk Assessment System".

Picture 1 of Global Risk Assessment System In just 30 minutes, the system can assess locations and areas likely to be affected by natural disasters. This system is suitable for the choice of global enterprises when planning to build factories, factories, offices ... at a location that should know that there is a possibility. disaster or not.

The system will display disaster signs on the map based on information collected from 16 international research institutes including NASA and National Aeronautics and Space University. Based on the analysis of Shimizu experts, the overall assessment results are provided to clients to help avoid economic and human risks.

Shimizu will integrate the original database to provide the latest disaster alert information and disaster history records of a specific location in Google Earth. Shimizu experts will focus on the initial risk assessment of seven factors, including earthquakes, winds, floods, landslides, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and lightning strikes.

The system has been applied in practice in Japan and the upcoming Shimizu hopes to have the occasion of application in construction work in Indonesia.