Gods in Egyptian civilization

Ra is one of the most important gods of the ancient Egyptian world, with power in every part of the world, from the sky and the ground to the afterlife.

Picture 1 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
God Amun: This is one of the most powerful gods of ancient Egypt, with the appearance of a man holding a hammer and wearing a long hat. At the time of the most flourishing Nile civilization, Amun was proclaimed "King of the Gods" , bringing good luck, fairness and protection of passersby.When combined with the sun god Ra into Amun-Ra, this god became even stronger.At Thebes, the famous Karnak temple complex has a large and important temple of Amun god.(Photo: Planetware).

Picture 2 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Anubis: The god with male body and the head of this jackal must not be unfamiliar to many people, often on hieroglyphic texts engraved on tombs and temples.Anubis symbolizes embalming and death.Wild dogs often appear in graveyards, so ancient Egyptians believed that Anubis looked after the dead.This jackal god god helped to embalm the body of Osiris after being killed by god Seth.Priests often wear Anubis masks in corpses.(Photo: History).

Picture 3 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Atum: Ancient Egyptians believed that Atum was the first god to exist on earth, in the form of a double crown man. They assumed that Atum had risen from the turbulent waters, creating the first two gods, Shu and Tefnut - the couple gave birth to other gods. Atum is also considered the father of the Pharaohs. Many Pharaok claim to be "Atum's Son".This relationship is expressed in many rituals and rituals of the Pharaoh.Images of Atum appear in many places, such as in Queen Nefertari's tomb or other tombs on the west bank of Luxor.(Photo: Aerobaticsweb).

Picture 4 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Bastet: Usually in the form of a cat-headed woman, Bastet is a guardian god, sometimes appearing with lion heads to protect the king on the battlefield.Bastet was one of the daughters of the sun god Ra.Today, visitors can visit the monument of the temple of Bastet at Bubastis.(Photo: Adrianmcqueen / Blogspot).

Picture 5 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Bes: The dwarf has the combined characteristics of humans and lions.Bes is both a god of war and a guardian of pregnant women and houses.The ancient Egyptians also believed that god protected them from scorpions and poisonous snakes.Spirit-shaped talismans are worn by people from all walks of life.(Photo: Justinandcrystal).

Picture 6 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
God Horus: The god of the sky of the ancient Egyptians has the form of a falcon, or falcon.Horus is best known for protecting the rulers of Egypt.Many people believe that God is the son of Isis and Osiris.After Osiris was killed by Seth, Horus fought Seth to gain control of Egypt.During the battle, Horus lost an eye and was later restored, the eye became the symbol of protection.After that, Horus was chosen as the god of world domination.One of the best preserved temples in Egypt is the Horus temple, located in Edfu town.(Photo: Planetware).

Picture 7 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Isis: The ancient Egyptians described the goddess Isis as a woman wearing a throne-shaped crown. This is the goddess of protection, using powerful spells to help those in distress. She is the wife of Osiris and Horus's mother. The goddess often appears with a hug of Horus on her lap. Isis had a connection with the kings because her heart was the "throne" Horus first sat on.The temple of the goddess Isis in Philae still exists today.(Photo: Themindunleashed).

Picture 8 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Osiris: The shape of a man wrapped in mummified cloth and white feathered crown, Osiris is the god of death, ruling the afterlife.Osiris is the husband of Isis, brother of Nepthys and Seth.In addition, he was the god of rebirth and fertility.Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris had given them barley, one of the key food crops.The temple of Osiris is located at Abydos.(Photo: Redeeminggod).

Picture 9 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
Myth: The famous god of ancient Egyptian civilization has the form of a human body, the head of a falcon wearing a round crown symbolizing the sun.This is one of the most important gods of the ancient Egyptian world, with power in every part of the world, from the sky, the ground to the afterlife.All life forms are created by god Ra by calling their secret names.There is a legend that humans are created from tears and sweat of Ra.Images of god Ra appear in many ancient works of Egypt.(Photo: Ancient-egypt-online).

Picture 10 of Gods in Egyptian civilization
God Seth: Symbolic of chaos, Seth god has a human body, head is a special kind of animal with a bird-like, is a symbol of every factor affecting peace in Egypt.This is the brother of Osiris and Isis, who killed Osiris and fought Horus to gain worldly rule, but failed.Many ancient works have sculptures depicting this great war.At some stage in ancient Egyptian history, Seth was the royal symbol.(Photo: Egyptiansidekick).