Gold ants

The photo of a tiny ant using a tooth holding an object 100 times its mass in an upside-down position won the first prize in a photo science competition in the UK.

Picture 1 of Gold ants

The red ants carry an object that is 100 times heavier than their body weight while still sticking to the smooth surface.Photo: Telegraph .

According to the Telegraph, Dr. Thomas Endlein - a scientist from Cambridge University, England - took the picture above when he and his colleagues investigated the extraordinary adhesion of ants and other insects. The ant in the image - belonging to the red ants in Asia - clings to a smooth surface and grabs an object with a mass of 500 mg.

The photo was sent to the science photo contest of the British Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC).

"The work won first prize because it was beautiful and showed viewers the complexity of scientific research," the BBSRC said.

Red ants use their feet and legs to cling to the planes. According to Dr. Endelin, ants can change the size and shape of the soles according to the mass of objects they spoil. If you have to carry things that are too heavy, they increase the contact area of ​​the soles. When they need to run quickly they will reduce that area.

Ants also play an important role in climbing.

"Ants lift their feet off the plane the same way we peel off sticky tape. They hold their feet at a tight angle to the plane. When they want to lift their feet, raise that angle to make it easier to pull off their feet , " said Dr. Endelin. explain.