Greatest inventions in the UK

Instead of television or jet engine, toilet paper, Custard cream cake and smiley potato cake became the excellent 'candidate' for the list of Britain's greatest inventions.

Recently all members of the Parliament of England participated in the campaign to nominate the most important invention in British history, serving the upcoming online exhibition. It is surprising that the nomination list is not television, jet engine or light bulb which is normally the default of revolutionary inventions; which includes toilet paper, fish hand, Custard cream cake and smiley potato cake.

Picture 1 of Greatest inventions in the UK
Custard cream cake, smiley potato pancakes, fish fingers and SCA toilet paper are among the greatest inventions in the UK.

This campaign to nominate and exhibit Britain's most important inventions is to commend the great inventions of Britain and mark the coronation of Queen Diamond Jubilee next year. The campaign is proposed by British Cabinet Business Secretary, Vince Cable. " We export these goods to every corner of the world, " Cable said.

Senator Chris White, chairman of the campaign, said: ' I hope this legendary British exhibition will be the best. '

Each of the 40 MPs nominated the most typical invention model of the area they represented. Politicians have named very popular units, rather than the technical inventions of history.

Senator Gavin Williamson from South Staffordshire, who nominated smiley potato cake Mc Cain Smiley Potato Faces, said: ' Smiley Potato is probably not the most sophisticated of all food and drink but it is a great idea to be great. '.

Congressman John Stevenson, representing the Carlisle region, nominated Custard Cream Cake because ' this is the classic invention of England'.

Senator Austin Mitchell nominated Fish Ginger fried fish to see ' proud fish finger fried fish is created and produced by my local Young company'.

In addition, Justice Minister Dominic Grieve, member of the Beaconsfield state, an ejection seat, a safety rescue system for fighter pilots, said ' Martin's inventions. -Baker saved more than 7350 lives'.

In particular, Congressman of Wrexha, North Wales, Mr. Guy Opperman named one of his five famous toilet paper firms, SCA. He said: ' Local people lined up to be employees of that factory . '

10 typical nominations out of 40:

1. Fish Fingers fried fish

2. Thermitech system produces energy from waste

3. Pull medicine Swann-Morton

4. Zoom chair Martin Baker

5. McCaine Smiley Potato Faces smiley cake

6. High quality Camira fabric

7. Custard cream cake from Mc Vitties

8. Automotive Range Rover

9. Revolver turntable of NEJ Stevenson

10. SCA toilet paper