Over the past 80 years, air forces around the world have used five generations of jet fighters.

According to ScienceABC, people who live near the airport are more prone to stress, memory loss and even heart disease.

Is the lovely Piaggio Vespa motorcycle more iconic than a floppy disk? Or does the iPod music player have more classic design meanings than an Airbus A380?

India will arrange jet engines of old aircraft near the power plant chimneys to blow up emissions, reduce pollution for the capital.

An English inventor built Iron Man-style flying suits, which could reach a maximum speed of 320km / h.

Franky Zapata - who invented the Flyboard Air jet medium, has set a new world record for the farthest flight ever made by hoverboard.

Surely you will be surprised to learn that the following important designs and inventions were created by scientists by observing the animal world.

Instead of television or jet engine, toilet paper, Custard cream cake and smiley potato cake became an excellent

The GE9X is attached to the aircraft with smaller engines, allowing engineers to test engines in flight movements without endangering passengers in the cabin.

Former fighter David Mayman flew a personal jet propulsion at 30 m altitude in four minutes on the River Thames in London.