Greece announced measures against bird flu

Immediately after Romania and Turkey reported cases of bird flu, the Greek government said yesterday it has introduced various measures to prevent bird flu.

Picture 1 of Greece announced measures against bird flu Alexandros Kontos, deputy minister of the Greek Ministry of Agricultural and Food Development, said a series of measures were taken soon after bird flu was discovered in Romania and Turkey. A strategy has also been outlined to prevent the disease from entering the country.

Facing the latest developments in the 'migration' of bird flu to European Union neighbors, Alexandros Kontos said monitoring programs are being implemented to determine the starting point of the disease, from there can handle promptly.

Imports of live poultry, meat and other poultry products from countries reported as avian influenza are also prohibited.

Customs officers at airports and ports are also working closely with the veterinary industry to prevent illegal imports of poultry as well as poultry products.

T.VY (According to Xinhua)