Hand-worn device helps people change mood

The Team Turquoise team developed a wristband called Doppel, which can change the mood of the wearer by providing a tactile beat to the wrist.

Hand-worn devices help change people's mood

Doppel manufacturers call it the next generation of wearable technology - a product that can really change the mood of users. They say that the device connects to the natural beat of the human body and provides control over alertness or relaxation .

Picture 1 of Hand-worn device helps people change mood
Doppel - a new line of wristbands that can change the mood of the wearer

Similar to how funny music (upbeat) can stimulate the human body, while downbeat music helps to relax; Doppel provides a tactile beat to the wearer's wrist, which adjusts to make themselves feel more alert or relaxed.

Andreas Bilicki, co-producer of Doppel, said: 'Doppel emits two distinct rhythms - one high and one low. High rhythms basically provide a rhythm higher than your resting heart rate and lower rhythm is lower than your heart rate while resting. It works in the same way as when you hear funny or sad music.

Therefore, Doppel has the same effect that funny music can stimulate you, make you more alert. It also acts like a sad beat that makes you calm down and even go to sleep. '

Bilicki is a member of a group of scientists, engineers and designers, met in a joint course of Imperial College London and the Royal College of Arts (Royal College of Art).

Their research on the physiological problem - the way a person's mind and body affects others - has inspired them to design a new technology that can control the innate response of body with rhythm. Together they formed the Turquoise Group (Team Turquoise) to turn their hypothesis into reality.

Nell Bennett, co-producer of the product, explains how Doppel represents true wearable technology, instead of the current type of technology that usually only monitors body activity.

Bennett told Reuters: 'Wearable devices are mainly focused on monitoring and providing statistics on how you show up in your daily life. And we feel that wearable technology and equipment need a step further to become a truly integrated thing with human life. So we want to build a wristband that will change the way you feel. '

Doppel is synchronized with each individual via a smartphone application that measures their inactive heart rate. This is all the information needed for the device to harness the body's natural response to external rhythms.

Picture 2 of Hand-worn device helps people change mood
Doppel is similar in size and shape to a watch, but is worn on the inside of the wrist

Jack Hooper, co-developer of the device, said: 'You recognize your heart rate when you are inactive through the phone and it's biological data to set the levels you want - or keep calm. or excited, angry. It's not much data, but we'll use it in a very smart way and that's our approach. '

To control Doppel's beat, the wearer simply clicks on the face to make the beat faster or smooth the groove (keep the crust for the watch face) to slow down the pace.

It is similar in size and shape to a wristwatch, but with the active part positioned at the sensitive inner surface of the wrist. This is very important for the device to function effectively.

The research team said the prototype model was successfully tested on hundreds of people. They said, Doppel was also independently tested by psychologists. With their tests showing, this device can improve alertness when properly set up to the user's preferences.

The team is planning to conduct additional independent tests to confirm Doppel 's ability to calm people and reduce anxiety.

Bilicki, along with the rest of the Turquoise Group, believes that Doppel is a unique and significant addition to the game's changing market for wearable technology .

'As far as we know, no one else has developed this type of technology - it's a new line of wristbands that really allows you to change the way you feel naturally and simply. And we've driven all of our technologies to provide the best possible experience. '