Happy news: Washing dishes and washing clothes will help women live longer

Do women like this benefit? There are a few more years to wash dishes .

To find a viewer who washes dishes, washes clothes or does housework is fun, perhaps only counted on the fingertips. So just understand, the saying that women always suffer disadvantages is completely based. They have to work too much .

However, according to a new study in the US, the story of housework turned out to be unexpected. It helps sisters extend their life.

Picture 1 of Happy news: Washing dishes and washing clothes will help women live longer

Specifically, experts from Buffalo University said that just doing light work - such as washing dishes and sweeping houses . also reduces the risk of early death of women to at least 12%. If you work hard to do more, the ratio can be reduced by up to 39%.

"Just having enough exercise is enough, although not as much as the level recommended by fitness experts," said University of Buffalo professor Michael LaMonte.

What did research find out?

LaMonte's research team conducted a survey of over 6,000 women aged 63 - 99. They assessed the level of activity of each person with a human sensor.

In particular, the level of movement is considered "light" just a little more than "sitting all day" for a bit. Yet such actions have been effective. It helps women over the age of 80 reduce their risk of premature death, as diseases such as obesity also decrease their rates.

Research does not stop with older women. According to Buffalo professor, the research results also send a message to young people, building healthy, reasonable habits to prepare for the years to come.

Picture 2 of Happy news: Washing dishes and washing clothes will help women live longer

This is not the first time that science has shown the benefits of . In 2016, a study from the Netherlands suggested that women benefited from doing housework, because it gave them another 3 years of life. Men who do housework are not as effective, but they will get the same benefits if they work hard at gardening and taking care of plants.

However, this study also received some negative feedback from women. Many people believe that if the benefit is more than a few years of washing the dishes . then from the past it is fine.