Decoding why women live longer than men

Women easily interact and chat with people, have stronger hearts, less work in danger . so they have a higher life expectancy than men.

The reasons women have higher life expectancy than men

Right before birth, the male fetus had more difficulties than the female fetus

"In the fetus, boys are more physically retarded than girls. Newborn boys are more likely to die if they are premature due to underdeveloped lungs and brain. Even in the first year of life, boys are at risk. The risk of death is higher than that of girls and this risk exists throughout the life of a man , " said Sean Hagberg, director of the Center for Neuroscience Rio Grande, University of New Mexico, in a report published in the journal Medical Hypothesis. .

Phai is less beautiful than men

Injury is the third leading cause of death in men, while in women the cause is sixth. Research shows that the frontal lobe of the brain (the body that has the function of coping with risk) in men develops much slower than women. As a result, men often suffer from accidents due to more risks.

Picture 1 of Decoding why women live longer than men
Artwork: Health.

Women have stronger hearts

Heart disease is the leading "killer" in both sexes, but statistics show that men are more likely to contract and die from heart disease at the age of 30 to 40, and women often develop later in the disease. 10 years. Moreover, the female body produces estrogen (female sex hormones) that make arteries more active and flexible so their hearts are stronger.

Women's social activities are stronger

Women live longer because of the interaction with people more than men. This has been demonstrated in a study by Brigham Young University. Accordingly, those with strong social relationships have a 50% lower mortality rate than the average person.

The tendency to chat more with friends

Women are more open to people, which helps them solve difficult problems in life, relieve stress and strengthen relationships. Men often have difficulty sharing everything, they tend to try to keep emotions in their hearts, contributing to creating more stress that makes them die earlier.

Women take care of their health very well

According to a study on health care, women go to clinics 24% more than men in a year, 22 times more than their cholesterol levels. While only 25% of men do not regularly see a doctor. Men tend to hide the disease, they disregard the symptoms and lazy to see the doctor until the disease becomes too heavy.

Picture 2 of Decoding why women live longer than men

The size of the male body is larger

The larger body is not always good because it is inversely proportional to life expectancy. Scientists at the Cell Health Institute in New Jersey said. According to a study published in Medical Hypothesis, in a species, with similar living conditions, individuals with larger body sizes tend to be more short-lived. This is true not only for humans but also for most animals including fish, insects, primates and dogs.


Men have a pair of XY chromosomes, while women have a pair of XX. When two X chromosomes are better than one pair of XY. Biologically, women have two X chromosomes so if there is a defect they still have one, which allows good genes to show superiority. If a boy is born with problems on the X chromosome, it is often difficult to survive. For example, when both suffer from Alport syndrome, which is related to the X chromosome, most of the disease is benign in women, but can cause kidney failure in men.

Sensitivity to disease is lower

Women are more dominant than men in terms of biological impact. Specifically, compared to women, the proportion of men dying from trauma, suicide, respiratory cancer, chronic liver disease and coronary heart disease is higher. Another reason men do not live as long as women is in the immune system. Women are born with telomere (the end of the chromosome that regulates cell life) longer. Basically, longer telomeres, the cells of the immune system will function longer and healthier.

Lower metabolic rate

Compared to women, muscle mass in men is more, so men have to take a greater amount of calories to maintain muscle activity. Higher calorie burning rates also mean that stem cells burn faster. This process is like a car running at a speed of 90km / h starting with another 40km / h, with the amount of gasoline in the tank being finite, the faster the vehicle runs, the shorter the travel time.