Hayabusa spacecraft: The second successful landing

Picture 1 of Hayabusa spacecraft: The second successful landing On the morning of November 26, the Japanese space agency (JAXA) said that the Hayabusa spacecraft had once again successfully landed on the asteroid and succeeded in collecting samples.

JAXA spokesman Kiyotaka Yashiro said Hayabusa had landed in Itokawa asteroid within minutes, about 290 million kilometers from Earth, then took off to transmit data to the chapter's operating center. submit.

According to him, these developments seem very good. At the same time, the data collection is also very convenient. However, real success must be confirmed in the next few days, when Japanese scientists complete the analysis of data transmitted by the spacecraft to Earth.

This is the second time the Hayabusa spacecraft landed on Itokawa asteroid. On Wednesday, November 23, the Japanese space agency announced the first successful landing of this asteroid.