How advanced were prehistoric civilizations?
The Earth has existed for 4.5 billion years and has undergone a long process of development. During this process, the Earth's environment has also undergone many changes, including 5 mass extinctions.
Every mass extinction has a huge impact on the Earth's ecological environment, and almost all living things are facing the risk of extinction. However, the Earth is not destroyed because of this, on the contrary, after a long period of evolution, the Earth can still restore a vibrant scene.
Some scientists speculate that life on Earth is a recurring phenomenon and that life on Earth will never actually become extinct.
With the constant evolution of the Earth, some extinct creatures can still reappear through random evolution. Therefore, some scientists believe that before humans came into existence, there may have been other advanced creatures on Earth and we are not the only advanced life on Earth.
Why do they say so? The main reason is that many traces of prehistoric civilizations have been found on Earth. These traces seem to be evidence of prehistoric civilizations.
The Earth has existed for 4.5 billion years and has undergone a long process of development. During this process, the Earth's environment has also undergone many changes, including 5 mass extinctions.
In June 1936, a group of workers were building a railway line outside Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, when their attention was caught by a giant stone slab, on which were engraved ancient Persian characters.
The workers were amazed and decided to dig deeper to see what it was. Their efforts were not in vain, because the workers later unearthed a giant ancient tomb made of more than a hundred stone slabs.
This discovery immediately attracted the attention of archaeologists at the Iraq Museum. They rushed to the scene and began excavation work. After arduous efforts, archaeologists found many valuable cultural relics after more than two months. Especially when they opened the sarcophagus, they found a large number of artifacts inside, dating back to the Persian Dynasty era - around 248 BC to 226 BC.
Baghdad Battery.
The jars are believed to date from the Parthian period (the Third Dynasty of Iran, which ruled from about 248 BC to 226 BC) and consist of an earthenware container with a bitumen stopper. An iron rod is inserted through the top of the stopper. Inside the jar, the iron rod is surrounded by a bronze cylinder. Konig thought these looked like electric batteries and published a paper on the subject in 1940.
However, among those unexpected discoveries, German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig found something even more remarkable - a number of utensils and tools with strange structures and connections - they included some unique ceramic vessels, copper pipes and corroded iron bars.
They seemed to fit together and form a special device. Konig took the artifacts back to Germany, restored them, and found that they were indeed batteries. A few months later, Kavenig made a startling announcement in Berlin.
He claims that ancient people had the ability to connect these batteries in series to increase power, and Konig also believes that they were created to make ornaments and statues out of electrolytically gilded metal.
Were ancient people able to connect these batteries in series to increase power?
Not all scientists accept that the artifacts are ancient batteries. But if they are batteries, who made them and what were they used for?
The news has sparked widespread interest and heated discussions in the scientific community. If these discoveries are indeed ancient batteries , it could revolutionize our understanding of ancient human technology. They show that thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations were able to use electricity and make technological breakthroughs in specific fields.
In the 1950s, archaeologists discovered a mysterious stone tablet in Mayan ruins , but it did not attract much attention at the time. It was not until the 1960s, when humans first entered space, that the tablet gradually attracted people's attention.
The carvings on the stone slab appear to be of a man-made aircraft. The carvings on the stone slab are very clear, and the aircraft's air intake, exhaust, and control levers can be clearly seen. The stone slab also depicts a person with an oxygen device attached to his nose and is manually controlling the spacecraft, as if he is sitting on something like an accelerator, traveling in space. However, what makes people even more surprised is that the historical date of this stone slab dates back 4,500 years to the time of the ancient Mayan civilization, which makes people feel very confused and surprised.
In 1952, a stone tablet with a human figure was unearthed in the ruins of a Mayan temple. At the time, people thought the carvings were just myths of the ancient Mayans.
Because at that time, humans had not yet invented any devices related to space flight. So why did the ancient Maya draw something like a spaceship on the stone tablet? Some people speculate that ancient extraterrestrial civilizations may have visited this rainforest, the ancient Maya just saw something that looked like a spaceship so they carved it on the stone tablet.
If the 'spaceship' on the tablet is indeed alien, then why does it resemble the spaceships of modern civilizations? Regardless of the explanation, this mysterious tablet has sparked widespread interest and discussion. It makes us reconsider the advanced technology that may have existed in ancient civilizations.
The uranium sample from the Oklo mine was missing about 0.003% of its uranium-235, the most valuable of the three isotopes in natural uranium. The three isotopes are uranium-238 (99.2739-99.2752% of the naturally occurring isotope), uranium-235 (0.7198-0.7202%) and uranium-234 (0.0050-0.0059%), uranium-235 has the potential to produce a huge amount of energy. The number of 0.003% is very small, but based on the size of these uranium deposits, the total amount of uranium-235 lost is more than 200kg.
In addition, on June 2, 1972, a doctor named Bouzguet was doing analytical work at a French nuclear fuel processing plant when he accidentally discovered an unusual phenomenon: Uranium from a uranium mine near the Oklo River (in Gabon, a former French colony in West Africa), had an unusual ratio between two isotopes, uranium-235 and uranium-238.
This discovery immediately shocked the world and attracted scientists from all over the world to Oklo for in-depth research. After a series of studies and analyses, scientists came to an astonishing conclusion: there was an ancient nuclear reactor near Oklo.
What surprised scientists the most was that the waste from this ancient nuclear reactor did not spread into the surrounding environment but was concentrated in the mine. This means that this reactor has very advanced nuclear waste treatment technology, which can effectively control and limit the spread of waste, avoiding affecting the surrounding ecological environment.
The nuclear reaction zones (1) are created by laterite channels (2), water flows through these channels (3) on the solid granite bed (4).
This discovery has led scientists to seriously consider the possibility of prehistoric civilization. Based on these undeniable facts, some scholars have put forward the theory of prehistoric civilization, arguing that the development of mankind is not as previously imagined but cyclical.
So what destroyed prehistoric civilizations? Many scientists believe that the destruction was caused by periodic natural disasters, while others believe that the destruction was caused by extraterrestrial forces.
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