Secrets of extraterrestrial civilization

Le Anh (The Scienec et Vie Junior)

According to scientists' research, at least 200 highly developed civilizations are hiding somewhere in the galaxies. Humans have found all kinds of ways to get in touch with these civilizations by sending in enough space with all kinds of signals and messages in the hope that someday they will get a reply .

The ' whispers of the earth '

Contrary to what is done with cryptography - just let the recipient understand - the messages sent to aliens must be guaranteed: easy to understand for every cosmopolitan. However, it's hard to achieve this criterion! There are many ideas that have been proposed, including the most bizarre ideas.

In 1976, the famous American astronomer Carl Sagan and a team of 13 scientists, under the control of the US Space and Space Agency (NASA) created a special message, which was put into Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 ships to send to extraterrestrials. These two ships were launched by the United States in 1977 and are now 12 billion kilometers from Earth. The message is expressed in 55 languages, from Sumer to language Picture 1 of Secrets of extraterrestrial civilization

American astronomer - Carl Sagan
(Photo: MSN)

of the Zoulou people. These are short sentences, peaceful and friendly. For example, the message of France is: Bonjour tout le monde (Hello the whole world).

The message is accompanied by 116 photos, 90 minutes of recording. All are compressed into a video laser disc. In 116 photos, there are 20 color photos. The first photo is a circle, the second photo is a page in the mathematical dictionary. Other images provide information about the earth, a diagram showing a human skeleton, a nervous system, a blood circulation system, sexual organs; photos of testicles having eggs, embryos and births; Diagrams and photographs of the drift of the continents. Earth image 3 billion years ago and 10 million years; The evolution of the organism is shown in 15 pictures; Earth civilization has been demonstrated in 55 photos including Indian traffic jams, factory-line work, two pages of Isaac Newton's World System manuscript, a housewife scene in supermarket with trolley . The sound beyond the greetings also has 19 sounds of life on earth, from crickets to the howls of hyenas and 24 music works. Including the No. 2 Brandebourgevis Concerto of Bach, Gamelan of Java Island, Armstrong's knocked-down music, Armstrong's Blues .

However, according to Mr. Sagan, there are many things that extraterrestrials cannot see. That is:

Religion : In order for the message to be global, people will have to talk about all kinds of religions that exist, so long and complicated. Sagan's group decided not to talk about any religion.

Violence : Scientists believe that sending a photo of a nuclear heat explosion could mean a threat to extraterrestrials.

Sex : Sagan said: " We want to send a picture of two bodies of a man and a pregnant woman holding hands. But NASA thinks this picture is too vulgar. Even negative. The bar of the kiss in the tape is not real either: We were monitored by the NASA agency, but the agency didn't like to introduce a different kiss, so I had to ask my son to kiss me on the cheek clearly. call for recording! ' Sagan explained.

Despite this skill, NASA lacks censorship of the number 86 image, showing a Turkish man . smoking.

Picture 2 of Secrets of extraterrestrial civilization

Astronomer Frank Drake

Earlier, in 1974, astronomer Frank Drake, now chairman of the Institute of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), had an idea that seemed very vague. From Arecibo radio telescope, he broadcast an email with radio waves, just like our FM waves. Within 3 minutes, 1,679 radio pulses are sprayed into dust at the speed of light. To decode this email, aliens must grasp that 1.679 is the product of two non-dividing numbers 73 and 23. The first number indicates the row, the second number indicates the column number. Numbers 0 and 1 paint hieroglyphs (small drawings) informing them of our position in the solar system, faces of human-like organisms, broadcast antennas . To test it out, Frank Drake tried to give the message to Carl Sagan to decode and he guessed it was not difficult. If extraterrestrials are good at math, they will achieve the same result!

Very strange and confusing is the message of two Canadian scientists, Yvan Dutil and Stéphane Dumas. In 1999, they sent ' greetings ' to extraterrestrials using mathematical equations. Many comments criticized this idea, saying that in order to interact and interact with extraterrestrial beings, we started by 'going to class ' for them with a boring curriculum that was not good. Try to put us in position if we receive signals from extraterrestrials that are just elementary knowledge is really . frustrating.

Is there a chance to receive it?

The question was posed to Jean Heidman, cosmologist, member of SETI Committee, of the International Astronomical Academy, author of the book Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Normally, the lifespan of a video laser disk is 100,000 years. Voyager 1 can fly 60,000 km / hour, meaning that it will be 5.5 light-years away from Earth. Voyager 2 flew towards the constellation Sagittaira and would arrive there for 40,000 years. Despite careful calculations, the scientists also said that the chance to meet a planet with people is not high. Furthermore, if there is a ' catch ' message, there is little chance that extraterrestrial people can understand the message.

Not sure if extraterrestrials were equipped with ' knowledge ' to read what's contained in a gold-plated copper plate called Voyager or Arecibo's radio-broadcast email. Because these messages are all symbols that people on earth often use rather than authentic intentions for our human interaction with extraterrestrials. Moreover, if our dialogues are not like us, but just balloons that live in the dim darkness of an extremely dense atmosphere, they certainly haven't developed a visual organ! Under such conditions, the above-mentioned technical and technological alternatives are not realistic at all. But, it would be wrong if we don't experiment and hope!