How many times lapses 1 lollipop?

How many times lapses 1 lollipop? Perhaps this is a question that almost nobody thinks about although eating lollipops is a hobby for many people, both adults and children. Yet Enter James Hunt, a male engineering student in Chester (England) came up with this question because he was bored because he had to stay home to isolate the Covid-19 pandemic. He decided to experience it himself to come up with the answer to that seemingly joking question. 

The 23-year-old student licked a strawberry chupa chupa chups for 2 hours.

Picture 1 of How many times lapses 1 lollipop?
 Chupa Chups strawberry lollipops are intact without licking.

Picture 2 of How many times lapses 1 lollipop?
After 500 licks, the lollipop was worn on one side. Due to a sore tongue, Enter James Hunt had to change to the other side of the candy to continue the challenge.

Hunt shared that licking with one lollipop is really not an easy task.

Picture 3 of How many times lapses 1 lollipop?
 The lollipop, after being licked by Hunt 1,250 times, is worn and pointed like this.

Picture 4 of How many times lapses 1 lollipop?
 After 2 hours of perseverance and hard licking 1417 times, Hunt completed this seemingly prank challenge and the lollipop just remained the stick.

For Hunt, this innocuous and impromptu prank is another exercise for patience, at least while at home avoiding the epidemic.