UFO appeared since ancient times?

Recently, archaeologists have discovered images of UFOs painted on walls since ancient times.

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) began to receive special attention since the 1940s. However, archaeologists have found many images that could be UFOs since ancient times, right in the morning. the beginning of human history until the Middle Ages.

Picture 1 of UFO appeared since ancient times?
From the Middle Ages, people knew the existence of outsiders
planet and see them as gods with supreme power. (Photo: Korea Times)

The shape of the mobile objects that appeared in ancient Egypt and Uzbekistan looked like a UFO in an American sci-fi movie - The Extra Terrestrial.

Based on numerous evidence, archaeologists believe that people from the Middle Ages knew the existence of aliens and considered them gods with supreme power.

That belief was even more motivated when the Swiss author, Erich von Daniken, produced the book Chariots of the Gods ? In it, he wrote an alien creature that built many great ancient buildings, including Nazca drawings. In addition, Daniken describes these creatures as humans but possesses yellow skin and shimmering light.

Daniken's hypothesis suggests that extraterrestrial beings have visited wilderness in southern Peru since ancient times.

Previously, people also saw traces of similar objects in Turkey and China.

Most recently, Russian archaeologists continue to have more evidence to confirm this suspicion. In their report, the team said that they have discovered mysterious burial tombs with many possible corpses of aliens buried at least 500 years ago.

These 'creatures' have a height of 2m and an odd body with a large oval head.

However, the researchers did not find or detect any trace of the remainder of the spacecraft and therefore, the stories surrounding UFOs continue to be a mystery, challenging the human discovery.