How much is the science of 'ignorance'?

As the technology center of the world, but the level of scientific understanding of Americans is surprisingly low: 25% of people still believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth.

Picture 1 of How much is the science of 'ignorance'?

According to CNET, the US National Science Foundation conducted a survey of 2,200 people within the annual civilian survey program. Amazingly, only 74% of respondents know that the Earth orbits the Sun.

Even 52% of people do not know that humans evolved from animals. Only one-third of respondents said that the US government needed to invest more in scientific research. 90% of respondents said that science would bring more benefits than danger, and a similar number of people also thought that the government should invest more in medicine.

The average score in this American test is 6.5 correct sentences out of 9 physics and biology questions. This result will be included in the report to President Obama and the US government. From these numbers, they can assess the level of progress of Americans over the years.