How to distinguish hot and hard snakes

In Vietnam, there are many poisonous and extremely poisonous snakes, typically two strong "brothers" - scorpions.

Belonging to the snake family, Cobra has the same size and appearance, it distinguishes the hot snake and the scorpion because of their different body colors .

1. Hot scorpion - gold

Picture 1 of How to distinguish hot and hard snakes
The colors of the hot snake are black - gold pieces quite evenly.

Hot-spring snakes live in many different environments, they have very high adaptability, so they are distributed from mountain forests to plains.

The average body size is longer than 1m, the characteristics of identification are black - gold pieces quite evenly , alternating as the appearance of this snake is very prominent.

The scalp is large and short, the eyes are round. Their tails are short, tip-tails are rounded, there is a burrow between the dorsal. Their venom is so strong that it is thought to be on the level of a cobra.

Scales on the dorsal of the scorpion have a hexagonal shape, larger than the lateral scales.

2. Scorpion snake

Picture 2 of How to distinguish hot and hard snakes
The color of the scorpion is black - white and gray.

Just like a hot snake, the body of a walled snake is over 1 meter long, its venom contains a poisonous substance capable of killing people in the blink of an eye.

The color of the scorpion is black - white and gray . They have triangular cross-sections, the sections from the hip to the tail are quite flat, gradually narrowing into sharp points.

The snakes are often found in grasslands and dense forests.